Understanding the identity of the 10 virgins leads to salvation
In the article named "Five discreet Virgins and Five foolish "(on the blog Let us pay attention to prophecy ) we have touched, even if only partially, one of the most doctrinal and profound themes not only of Jehovah's Witnesses but of all the Christian religions. In that article we tried to answer the following questions: "Who are the virgins? Why do they fall asleep? What do the lamps represent? The oil? What does it mean for us? "As was the case with other articles, we had always started from the same assumption that" we are God's people". Consequently, who could be the virgins if not "us"? Obviously the fact that the "foolish virgins" could be Christianity was contested, and for a series of reasons. The following questions arose: "May Christendom, the one who betrayed the Lord Jesus by making political alliances with the world of Satan and teaching falsehoods, be compared to a virgin? Can they really hope t...