
The generation that will not pass

  "So you also, when you see all these things, know that he is near, at the gates. I tell you the truth, this generation will by no means pass away until all these things take place" - Matthew 24:33, 34 Which generation was the Lord referring to when He said the above words? Answering this question, which has become almost obsessive in recent years, is anything but of secondary importance because it is part of those prophecies that could change our situation and our point of view a great deal. It is true that rivers of words have been wasted in this regard and, more often than not, more has been said than necessary. To the point that today some even feel a certain embarrassment at having to deal with this part of the Word of God. Embarrassment that one does not normally feel towards other scriptures. Today, in front of a person who asks for explanations regarding this affirmation of the Lord, some will have to try their hand at an abstruse explanation of a phantom "multi...

Will the Temple be rebuilt?

  Let's make some considerations about the false prophet and what we should expect in the near future. Will the Temple be rebuilt? As we have seen from previous articles, the false prophet evolved from the man of lawlessness, and the reason we had not correctly identified him thus far was due, at least in part, to the error concerning Babylon the Great. Just compare without prejudice what the Apostle Paul says in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4 with what we find in Daniel 11:36-39 and, of course, Revelation 13:11-18. Probably the two great errors that have jeopardized the understanding of most of the prophecies are to be attributed to Babylon the Great, to the role of Israel and to the seven times. These subjects and   the inability to re-discuss them   have probably "paralyzed", as it were, any further progress in understanding the prophecies. Whether or not we agree with this statement, being able to question ourselves is fundamental to understanding the biblical message. What c...

A name. A mistery. Babylon the Great

  QUESTIONS TO KNOW IF BABYLON THE GREAT IS A NATION Hundreds of references to the destruction of Babylon   and unfaithful Israel   are found in the Bible . There are also hundreds of parallels between Israel and Babylon (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel...). Being accustomed to drawing parallels to Christendom and the world empire of false religion, every time we read "Israel Shall Be Destroyed!"   we read, in effect, "Christendom will be destroyed!"   and every time we read "Babylon will be destroyed!"   we read "The World Empire of False Religion Will Be Destroyed!" Now the question is... "If in a specific passage the Bible meant that Israel will be destroyed meaning   Israel   ... what would we find written?" Evidently we would find written "Israel will be destroyed!" In the end it is a matter of understanding whether, whenever we speak of the destruction of Babylon and/or Israel   after the day of the Lord   , there is at least ...