Those who truly love God's Word do not stumble
“ Abundant peace belongs to those who love your law, and for them there is no stumbling block” - Psalm 119:165 When God's elect appear on the world stage they will be hated by all nations. This comes as no surprise to Bible students because God's true people cannot have the world's approval – John 15:18, 19; 1 John 5:19 How many of those who have read Matthew 24:9 have applied those words to themselves or to their religious organization? We can imagine that Lutherans, at the beginning of their oppression at the hands of the Catholic clergy, applied these words to themselves. Surely those 800 Waldensians who were massacred in the week between 12-18 April 1545 thought the same thing , including those twenty- five women who sought refuge in a cave and who remained asphyxiated with a fire lit at the mouth. Those who have followed th...