Who decides what?
The problem of authority
We start with an objective fact: books that claim to explain the Book of Revelation have been written hundreds, especially in the last century.Some of these are extremely bulky, others are rich in clear illustrations, others are still excited in dreadful philosophical explanations ... and each of them, in their own way, claims to be the truth.Some of these books have been written by highly educated people, perhaps with three or four degrees or with extensive acknowledgments in other fields.Now the natural question that would come to any human being would be ... "Who is right among these?"Yes, because, unfortunately, these books are not concordant.
If a person read ten books on this subject, written by ten different people, he would probably find ten versions of the Apocalypse.And, moreover, in everyday life, on the most diverse topics, we find people from different opinions.How can this word bapelize itself?Well, just as the Slave of the Lord has done all these years, the most important way is to let the Bible speak as often as you can.The Bible is the Supreme Authority - Matthew 4: 4, 7, 10; Mark 11:17; 14:27; Luca 10:26; Luke 22:37; Acts 7:42
The same Son of God, who could have spoken of his own initiative and in his own wisdom, always referred to the Word of God to give value to his teachings and to silence every discussion - Luke 10:25, 26An honest examination of the word of God leads us to establish that His people worked well when he read and applied the Scripture and did evil when he did his own head - Deuteronomy 30:19, 20; Proverbs 3: 5So the first and most important step when we approach Scripture is to forget who we are or believe we are, forgetting what we believe to know.
Who is more at risk of closing their own faculties of perception? The last of the believers on earth or someone who has important assignments of service including teaching? - Romans 3:23
Whenever possible we should use the Bible itself to explain the Bible and remember that we are all students.None of us have to stop learning. - Isaiah 50: 4; John 5:30
In this blog the Word of God has been emphasized and this has been done honestly.
Many of the explanations presented in this book will be very different from the current understanding but those who do not agree with the explanations given here will have to acknowledge that they have been trying to let the Bible speak, not their beliefs or prejudices, and should find other scriptures To deny the affirmation and to use a rigorous logic to explain why the scriptures cited, concerning any subject contained in this book, would not be equally valid.
As recognized by the Slave himself, it is easy to expect that some prophecies will be understood only at the time of fulfillment, for which, at some point, it is only normal to make suppositions.
If we were to go back in time, maybe three hundred years ago, and explain to a person then what is television, computer, social network and so on ... this person would have tremendous difficulty understanding our speeches and, wanting to understand them, he could make completely wrong conclusions.
In a way, we are in the same situation with the revealed truth of the Bible and there is no difficulty in admit that the same thing might happen in this blog.
The Bible has always said the truth, but we did not always understand it or we did it when it was being realized.It is clear that at that point, we can only do suppositions and seek confirmation in the present reality.
New technologies have opened up a chance in the probable interpretation of certain scriptures and scenarios.
Now there is surely more understandable when speaking of the beast with two horns of lamb, the book of the Apocalypse says "it rains fire and sulfur from heaven" - Revelation 13:13
What could seem inexplicable 1000 years ago is no longer so today, as any human being could burn fire and sulfur from the sky with a bomber hunting or other war machine.
The Word of God has an immaculate inner consistency and certainly, digging and meditating carefully, one can come to a shared vision - Proverbs 2: 1-6
This will surely happen when Jehovah decides to open Scripture completely to His people - Amos 3:7
To explain the Book of Revelation has tried to take any useful writing from the Word of God as being the only true authority.
The problem of temporal succession (chronology)
It has been said by many that the Book of Revelation, as well as other prophetic books, has not been writtenin chronological order.
This is quite normal and happens for example in many literary works.
This is not necessarily made to make the book even more difficult but simply because of the peculiarity of the book itself or to draw attention to certain important details.
If we were novel writers, for example, in a particular chapter I could describe a scene of war and move on to its natural epilogue.
In the next chapter I could choose to mention a certain aspect of this war (war now completed in the previous chapter) to highlight the heroic gesture of a person or a possible love story consumed during the battle ...I could do this many times in the same story depending on the amount of details I intend to include and of the things that, in my opinion, matter more than others.
Can the same be the biblical book of the Apocalypse?
This would perfectly fit the style of other prophetic books and not, so it is an event to be excluded.
We know that in chapter 1 of the book of Genesis we talk of man's creation and say that God "created them male and female" and so the story continues until the end of the sixth creative day.
Subsequently, in Chapter 2, we speak of Adam's only creation, of the earthly paradise, of the fact that there was no complement to him and hence the details related to the creation of women.
Chapters 1 and 2 are not in contradiction, as some superficial reader has supposed, but obviously are not in chronological order.
There is nothing strange about it.
The first chapter focuses on the creation of the earth, including man and woman, and the second chapter focuses on man.
The prophetic part of Daniel's book likewise drifts out particularly in the description of the "scary and terrible beast" apparently because it was the one to strike it to a greater extent - Daniel 7: 7, 21, 22
However, referring to the difficult parts of the book of Revelation, the problem and the question is ... "Who determines what is in chronological order and what does not?"
Since we are talking about a book written in signs, that is, it is not clear, it is not always easy to understand whether the story continues chronologically or, in some cases, is going back.
This is a very important aspect because an event at a wrong time can completely change the interpretation of certain scriptures and also create the so-called "domino effect".
Domino effect means that other scriptures, which if taken individually would be easy to understand, placed in misplaced contexts become really incomprehensible and push the interpreter into bold explanations or true forcing to try to collimate things.
Could something like that happen to us? - Acts 1: 6
Let's try and get this question back.Could it have happened to us too?
What has been done to minimize the possibility of entering events arbitrarily?
First of all, the Book was seen in a temporal succession every time the story meant it.
For example, if we take Chapter 12 of the Revelation there is talk of the vision of the woman in heaven who is about to give birth, the birth of the child, the war in heaven, and so on.Then chapter 13, speaking of the dragon, starts with the words ... "And it stood on the sand of the sea" - Revelation 13: 1a
It is evident that this part of the story is written in a temporal sequence (in fact, the dragon has just been thrown on the earth) and therefore everything that happens, the wild beast ascending from the sea, the beast with two lamb horns ascending from the ground Etc., is surely next to what is described in the previous chapter.
For the rest we have the succession of the trumpets and the succession of the cups of God's wrath.
It is clear that by doing so they will come to touch some of the foundations of the current understanding but that was the most logical thing to do because, whatever date we want to give at the beginning of the trumpet rings, they must be sequential and this means that the seventh trumpet It can not play before the sixth or fifth.
All the events described in the seventh trumpet are following those described in the sixth trumpet and the same discourse applies to all the others.The book "Revelation Grand Climax", however, explains that the seventh trumpet played in 1914 while the sixth and fifth played in 1919 ....
This is both logical and scriptural.
This is a logical problem because the term "seventh" does not simply indicate the trumpet number but also a temporal sequence.
In fact, "seventh trumpet" means he played after the sixth and sixth played after the fifth and so on.
Thus, unless the original Greek term has any other meaning, there is no logical reason to suppose that the seventh trumpet is not really the seventh.
It is also a scriptural problem because the Apostle Paul, referring specifically to this trumpet, that is to say about spiritual resurrection, specifically calls it "the last trumpet" - I Cor. 15: 51, 52 compares with Revelation 11: 11-15
Because of the succession of trumpets and even the succession of the cups of God's wrath we can say with certainty that much of the Book of Revelation is in chronological order and for the dubious parts (less than 20% of the book) as reasonably possible in harmony with the context.
Obviously, those who have fear and respect for the Word of God do not take liberty in this sense if there are no more logical reasons for doing so.
It can be assumed that part of the story is not in chronological order but there must be valid reasons and, of course, these reasons can not have to do with the religious education received - II Corinthians 13: 5
Anyone who approaches Scripture with the intent of understanding it really should forget its religious education to avoid forcing, even involuntary, and partial visions.
All of us should be ready to overturn any conviction to make the Scripture flow freely.
If we can not fully replicate ourselves, even with regard to our deepest and most sacred beliefs, we are not fit to truly understand the biblical message - Matthew 11:25
Sign problem
The Book of Revelation was written in "signs" as some Bible translations say, including the translation of the New World.
Other biblical translations ignore this word, but it is a fact that, the last book of the Bible, is a highly symbolic book.
The symbol is an element of communication that expresses content of ideal meaning ... as a sort of similarity between two parts; Use one word to effectively signify another.
When the book says "the stars will fall from the sky" it is obvious that they are using a symbolic language.
When speaking of locusts with the human face, armor and tail like scorpions it is equally obvious that these descriptions have a meaning.
Of Jesus is spoken of as a lamb scraped; We know who the Lamb is and so we do not think there is a literal lamb with seven eyes in the kingdom of heaven and there is no need for anyone to explain the difference between symbolic and literal.
Even here, though, there are difficulties.
Should we conclude that the Book of Revelation is all symbolic?
Are the angels symbolic or symbolic only trumpets and cups?
Armageddon War is a symbolic war or is a literal war?
If the book were all symbolic we would no longer have any reference and we would not know how to orient ourselves.
So the difficulty is to determine if certain sores are symbolic or literal; if they are convicted messages (mental troubles) or actual physical wounds.
For example, speaking to two witnesses in chapter 11 is said that "fire comes out of their mouth" and that people are "killed".
How should we consider this "plague"?Obviously for God there is nothing impossible and therefore, in principle, it could give human beings the special powers just as he did with Moses, Elijah, Samson, and others.
Fortunately, in this case, we realize that people are not really killed because, when the two witnesses are killed by the "beast ascending from the abyss", it is said that people are delighted that these "had tormented those who live on the earth."
This is also in harmony with the book of Ezekiel and the activity of other prophets of the past who, by pronouncing a message of condemnation, was as if they died in the eyes of Jehovah God (and subsequently as a result of not listening to the divine message , Also died physically).
In this case there is a specific writing that makes sense of the nature of the judgments cast by these two witnesses.In other respects the question is not so obvious.How are you oriented in this case?
Always with the Bible at hand, they looked similar to the past (the plagues of Egypt, Sodom and Gomorrah, the destruction of Jerusalem) and therefore generally opted to consider sores as literal and physical unless the Context or a specific phrase about that happening did not make the opposite.
The Bible shows that for God there is nothing impossible and that He has shown His power in a vigorous and scary way on many occasions.
This means that any "plague" on your part should not be scaled down just because it seems really amazing from our point of view.Jesus spoke of the "end of the world" or "the end of the system of things" in no apparent terms and with very strong phrases and when he said that the sun would have been obscured and the stars would fall from heaven it is very difficult to believe that he referred to the spiritual condition of Christianity - Matthew 24:29; Revelation 6:12, 13
We know that the "end of the world" will not mean the end of humanity as there will be survivors exactly as there were survivors during the destruction of Jerusalem in the 70th E.V. but that does not mean that there will be "scary signs from the sky".
The Book of Revelation begins by saying, "Happy, he who reads loudly, and those who hear the words of this prophecy and observe the things written in it; Since the fixed time is near "(Revelation 1: 3) and if the Apocalypse spoke of the total destruction of all and everything, it would be a great contradiction and there would be no reason to be happy.
No ... As the Slave says rightly, the Apocalypse is a message of hope and has been written to warn of the things that are going to happen.
However, the book does not hide that there will be great difficulties and it is obvious that if this "world", that is, this system of things, must end, it can not end in a "peaceful" way.
The Bible speaks clearly in many scriptures that there will be a "great tribulation".
Humanity as a whole will fight to the last breath a battle that will not surely win, but the conditions it will cause, at the orders of its god, will cause many problems to all the faithful servants of God.
We therefore want to have the humility to question us, whoever we are or believe to be, to properly understand prophecy could make the difference between living or dying exactly as it did to Christians of the first century - Matthew 24:15; I Thessalonians 5:20, 21
The original blog, complete and updated, is in Italian and is located at https://attenzioneallaprofezia.blogspot.it/
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