Let us prepare ourselves for the machinations of Satan!
Let's start with a logical assumption. Satan is much smarter and more powerful and has much more experience than us. He is our main adversary and his purpose is to "devour us" - 1 Peter 5: 8 To do this, as we all know, he uses every means at his disposal and one of his "favorite" weapons is lying, deception - Hebrews 2:14; John 8:44 It 'easy to expect that, as he nears the end of his activity, he intensifies his efforts to mislead us - Revelation 20: 2, 3 As we have seen from the previous articles which spoke of the false prophet, Satan is about to prepare his best weapon for his expulsion to the earth - Revelation 13:11 We know that religion will not disappear as many of us have imagined (as it is not Babylon the Great) but will undergo a remarkable "skin change" - compare 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15 If this is correct, we can hypothesize what could happen in the near future also by comparing what has already happened, in the past, that has diverted ...