
Showing posts from January, 2018

Let us prepare ourselves for the machinations of Satan!

Let's start with a logical assumption. Satan is much smarter and more powerful and has much more experience than us. He is our main adversary and his purpose is to "devour us" - 1 Peter 5: 8 To do this, as we all know, he uses every means at his disposal and one of his "favorite" weapons is lying, deception - Hebrews 2:14; John 8:44 It 'easy to expect that, as he nears the end of his activity, he intensifies his efforts to mislead us - Revelation 20: 2, 3 As we have seen from the previous articles which spoke of the false prophet, Satan is about to prepare his best weapon for his expulsion to the earth - Revelation 13:11 We know that religion will not disappear as many of us have imagined (as it is not Babylon the Great) but will undergo a remarkable "skin change" - compare 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15 If this is correct, we can hypothesize what could happen in the near future also by comparing what has already happened, in the past, that has diverted ...

Death really erases the sins?

One consequence of the fact that the resurrection takes place at the end of the millennium is asking the question of what basis will be judged resurrected . So far we have been taught that the resurrected would be judged based on what they would do after their resurrection , that is, over a long period in the kingdom of Christ. The apostle Paul once said ... "I have hope toward God ... that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous" - Acts 24:15 Because Paul harbored the hope that there was a resurrection for the unjust who, if they were only judged by their past actions, would then killed? Probably these "rolls" will contain many details of the life of people and perhaps will add detailed instructions on how to proceed, evaluating and mitigating the causes, and it is reasonable to believe that there might also be a probationary time for at least some of them. We have no particular about it, but Jehovah is the Righteous Judge and ...