1948-2018: Babylon the Great celebrates seventy years

Dear brothers, pay attention to the prophecies,

as we carefully observe world events and strive to talk to those who are favorably disposed, we continue to research and meditate on the Word of God.
We continue to question ourselves, as it is right, with the aim not to demonstrate "who is right" but exclusively to understand more the prophetic word of God.
Many of you will have noticed that modern Babylon will turn seventy this year, May 14, 2018, a significant year if we think that the Israelites returned home after 70 years of captivity and restored true worship.

On May 14, 1948, the state of Israel was born

This is an event that certainly deserves our attention even if we must recognize that we do not understand many things yet and that therefore we must show prudence before attributing particular meanings to this or any other event.
Otherwise we would run the risk of becoming "numerologists of the Scriptures" (and there are already many) that is seeing events everywhere, applying numbers and periods in an absolutely arbitrary, forced, anti-critical and illogical.
We know that the "ravages of Jerusalem", as written by Jeremiah and Daniel, would have been accomplished "for seventy years" just as a result of this nation - see Jeremiah 25:11; 29:10; Daniel 9: 1-4
In practice, the Israelites should have served "the king of Babylon" for this period of time.
As we know, towards the end of these seventy years Babylon "falls", in a single night, as conquered by the king of the north at the time: the average-persia - Daniel 5: 17-30
We can see some parallels (probable) but also many limits, in case we want to give this event a modern correspondence and this is the same criticism that we have moved to the dream understanding of the Nebuchadnezzar tree (in practice, who establishes what must have a second application and what not?).
It is true that the trumpets described in Revelation begin to shake the world of Satan as a whole (and Babylon is certainly the main subject of this system) but the expiration of seventy years (concomitant or almost to the fall of Babylon) marked roughly the end of discipline for Jehovah's people (who, after some time, was able to return home even though he initially did so with some obstacles) while we know that these trumpets trigger a period of discipline towards the people of God.
Moreover, Babylon, in that fateful year fell, while we know that more time will pass before its definitive destruction (even if the attack that will soon suffer will be considerable).
Continuing so we will see that there are some things that seem to fit together (assuming that you must necessarily find a parallel to what happened in the past) and other things that are confused because of the union "Israel / Babylon".
For this reason it is necessary to continue to dig and ask the collaboration of those who have shared the articles as well as the "modus operandi" so far followed (see the article "The Bible is all you need").
It would be very nice to have an exchange with those who really appreciated the results obtained so far, without unnecessary polemics and with the only constraint to remain within the Scriptures - 1 Corinthians 4: 6
So this invitation is not addressed to those who did not understand the identity of Babylon the Great, the identity of the "little horn become huge", the identity of the Celestial Woman and so on at least for the main subjects.
Surely this invitation is not addressed to those who are not able to get back into question.
Perhaps together it will be possible to understand if it is possible to find a significant parallel, without contradictions and without forcing, with what happened in the past (I refer to the 70 years of exile in Babylon) or if we have to turn our attention to other scriptures and others details.
Those who fall into the characteristics described above can write to me privately.
We therefore continue to carefully observe the world events without forgetting the most important things.

P.S. True worship, just as in the past, must start from where it was born: Israel.
However, it will not restart until "it is imprisoned" under Babylon the Great.
This first attack by the king of the north will serve to free those who will have the task of restoring it.


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