Babylon the Great = Israel 1st part

"Yes, in her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones+ and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth.” - Revelation 18:24
If Babylon the Great is the modern nation of Israel, why does the book of Revelation say that "in her was found the blood of all those who were slaughtered on the earth"?
Obviously the objection is that if Israel exists only since 1948, it can not be responsible for all the blood spilled!

To answer this question we must understand when the Revelation and the context of this writing are fulfilled.
In the meantime, it is useful to reflect on the words of Our Lord when, addressing precisely to the scribes and the hypocritical Pharisees of that nation, he said:
“Serpents, offspring of vipers,+ how will you flee from the judgment of Ge·henʹna?For this reason, I am sending to you prophets+ and wise men and public instructors.+ Some of them you will kill+ and execute on stakes, and some of them you will scourge+ in your synagogues and persecute+ from city to city, so that there may come upon you all the righteous blood spilled on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel+ to the blood of Zech·a·riʹah son of Bar·a·chiʹah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.+ Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation" - Matthw 23:33-36
Now we know that when the Lord said "this generation" did not mean something strange, like a generation that intersects with another generation or such absurdity.
Jesus pronounced those words in 30 AD. about, and those words came true in 70 CE, that is about forty years later.

Nobody asked himself "what the Lord really meant" when he said "this generation" because it was clear what he meant.
This also applies to the "sign of His presence" and should make each of us reflect when, trying to hide a series of errors and wrong intentions, we try to make Scripture say what it does not say.

However, in this context, the question we should ask ourselves is "Why does the Lord impute crimes from Abel to the scribes and the Pharisees?"
Obviously Abel was not killed by a scribe or a Pharisee!
At the time of Abel, the nation of Israel did not even exist!
Why, then, this condemnation?

This could be one of the reasons that led to think that "Babylon the great" was the world empire of false religion because the Pharisees could not be guilty of the death of Abel or of "all those slaughtered on earth".
However this hypothesis is absurd because could also be made
the opposite objection.
If when Jesus condemns those who are guilty of the blood of "all those who have been slaughtered on earth" meant this phantom "world empire of false religion" because, instead, the judgment strikes only on Israel? - compare Luke 21:22
The judgment fell into "that generation" and fell right on Jerusalem, exactly as the Lord said.
Why, then, did this condemnation starting with the murder of Abel?
This is because God considers those who have "known God" to be especially responsible, yet they commit unspeakable crimes - Amos 3: 2
What other nation in the world has had a "special relationship" with the Creator of the universe so that they have a greater responsibility for their mistakes? - compare Matthew 11: 21-24; 12: 38-41

It is also very important to consider people's heart condition - Matthew 5: 21-22
Although these scribes and Pharisees were not directly responsible for the death of Abel or all those who had been killed until that day, they had clearly manifested the same mental attitude of Cain and for this reason they were already subject to judgment - John 8 : 44-47; 1 John 3:12
However, the legitimate next objection could be "Why should God condemn Israel again, since it has already paid for its mistakes in 70 AD?"
As said at the beginning, to answer this question we must understand when the biblical book of Revelation is fulfilled.

Every time we read Revelation 18:24 we understood that it was to pay for all the blood spilled since the beginning of time but it does not.
Indeed, Revelation is fulfilled on the day of the Lord - Revelation 1:10
So the blood that is imputed to Babylon the Great is all the blood that will be shed on the Lord's day and not from the beginning of time.

This should make us reflect on the period in which the day of the Lord really begins, namely a period in which there must also be Israel, not before.
If Israel exists only since 1948, the day of the Lord can not start on any other previous date.
It can start at a later date, not necessarily in 1948, but it certainly can not begin sooner.

However we will deepen this "bold statement" in a future article.
Why will Babylon the Great be held responsible for all the blood shed on earth during the day of the Lord?
Because this nation will be the main cause of the clash between the king of the north and the king of the south - Daniel 11:40

The king of the north (Russia) either directly or through one of his allies, will find himself in a situation where he will be forced to attack Israel.
This attack, predicted in the Scriptures, will become the expedient to bring into play the two great world powers.
These will be the wars that foretold the Lord as an unmistakable sign of His presence - Matthew 24: 6

The first and second world wars, though terrifying, have nothing to do with what we have been taught.
It will be the next wars to identify the "day of the Lord" - Revelation 6: 3, 4
God is not responsible for these wars but Babylon the Great.
This will be the main reason why it will be destroyed, but this will not happen during this attack (now close).

Babylon the Great will continue to exist until the last moment of the world system.
Towards the end of the great tribulation (not at the beginning), Babylon the Great, or the nation of Israel that will continue to exist until the end of the third world war, will be finally destroyed.
This event will start the armageddon war.
Look carefully at world events.

The next article will see another characteristic of Babylon the Great and this will also help us to identify it as the nation of Israel.


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