Who is paying attention to the prophecies?
Thus we have the prophetic word [made] more sure; and you do well by paying attention to it as to a lamp that shines in a dark place, until day breaks and the daystar rises, in your hearts - 2 Peter 1:19
When war breaks out between the king of the south and the king of the north, all those who until the last moment categorically excluded it or never mentioned it will probably speak of "growing light" or will say that "the prophecies are understood only in the course of fulfillment” - compare Daniel 9:1-3
Nonetheless, for thoughtful people the outbreak or not of war will create a clear disconnect between those who have talked about it before and those who have denied it to the last (or never considered).
Having said this, we can do some reasoning on the scenario that should/could arise before the outbreak of war.
Let me be very clear: war could break out at any moment or it could still be a long time.
Even if tensions between the two sides are very high right now… the fact remains that we don't know when it will happen.
Everything that follows is about possible pre-war scenarios and is just speculation.
We have seen in Revelation that the wild beast that emerges from the sea is immediately recognized by surviving mankind.
In fact, Scripture says that one of the reasons humanity begins to worship it is precisely because they see "how the wild beast was, but is not, yet will be present..." - Revelation 17:8
So he seems to mean that surviving humanity perfectly remembers this military-political agglomeration and recognizes it.
Could this mean that before the outbreak of the war, i.e. before the entry into the time of the end, we should see the construction of this political-military alliance headed by Russia?
This alliance could be created along the way, or rather during the raging war, and therefore it is said that we will see a similar thing before the war.
Indeed the Lord spoke of "wars" indicating at least the entry of several nations into this conflict or more consecutive conflicts, so this alliance could be created out of necessity and in record time.
We may therefore not see this alliance well formed before the outbreak of war.
However, we can also hypothesize that it forms a certain period earlier because actually in the Bible it is not specified when this beast was born.
In Revelation she is seen only at the end of the war, seriously wounded - Revelation 13:1-3
We could also hypothesize (but this too is precisely a hypothesis) that the king of the south, driven by Babylon the Great, decides to attack the king of the north also because of this political-military construction.
A possible and well-defined political-military alliance of various nations headed by Russia could be the trigger for its attack.
Furthermore, if the war will last a short time (for obvious reasons) we can imagine that in order to be remembered and recognized by the surviving humanity, they may have already seen it before for a certain period of time.
All these are just guesses, let's be clear: the absolutely certain thing is the war between the two sides.
This is what will create a disconnect between those who study prophecy and those who don't.
Therefore, observing the current international geo-political scenario, we can reflect on some organizations, political or commercial, in the process of consolidation.
We can also reflect on various ongoing projects.
We have seen, in a previous article, that even a commercial organization should not be taken lightly.
Money and resources alone are already a political power.
In the Russia-Iran-China rapprochement we can identify a number of commercial projects including the construction of various strategic facilities.
On Russia's side, we can point to projects such as the nord-stream2, which greatly annoys the main political opponent and which also brings some European countries closer from a political point of view.
On the initiative of China we can reflect on what is called the "new silk road" which concerns cooperation between the countries of Eurasia and so on.
The political alliance of Russia, China and India is called the SCO and has been defined by virtually all Western mass media as "anti-NATO".
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The SCO could turn out to be the scarlet beast of Revelation or it could be an organization we don't yet know about. It is important to pay attention to international events |
It was born only in June 2001 and is now much bigger and more powerful than it was in its infancy.
Pakistan recently joined this alliance and Iran is expected to join shortly (at the moment it is an observer member).
At the moment this SCO would seem to be the most probable candidate to take on the role of the scarlet beast but it does not mean that something completely new cannot be born soon such as a fateful "congress of peoples" that someone has already talked about.
Even if practically no one has pointed to these geo-political movements as something prophetically relevant, it is good for the Christian to pay attention to them.
The pre-war scenario may already be under our noses but considering that the expectations of the majority are misplaced, very few are giving us due weight.
Very few know where to look: the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses, but not only them, are focused on something else.
When the prophecies begin to come true it will be clear who has paid attention to them and who hasn't (although it is to be expected that many will have short memories) but considering what is at stake it is perhaps not better to ascertain the biblical message without preconceptions before such events instead of competing over who got there first?
Those who have truly heeded the prophecies, while reasonably anxious and fearful, will not be seized with despair when certain things begin to happen - Matthew 24:6
And they will not blame those who have "taught them wrong" because they will have personally taken it upon themselves to study the Word of God - Luke 12:54-56
* This was done after more careful Bible study and not because of “seeing nothing fulfilled.”
The article was in fact retracted long before it could prove true or false.
Originally written on 11/28/2018
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