
The appointed times of the nations

And they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations; + and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations * until the appointed times of the nations * are fulfilled – Luke 21:24 What are "the appointed times of the nations"? The "appointed times of the nations" are another topic that many Jehovah's Witnesses are struggling to be self-critical because of the connections induced more or less in relation to the "seven times" of Daniel chapter 4. In the rare cases in which they had a chance to re-examine the application of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, you would probably have an answer like ... "Jesus also spoke of the appointed times of the nations!" The "inherent logic" would be ... "As Jesus mentioned the appointed times of the nations, the interpretation of the seven times of Daniel chapter four is correct." Is this a reasonable statement? Before answering this question let's start immediat...

Which nations disappear in Armageddon?

Chapters 19 and 20 of Revelation unveil some significant details about the war of Armageddon and what will happen next. These details will include two major changes to current understanding and this "change of vision" will be a real stumbling block for many Jehovah's Witnesses. These chapters will be examined in a future article but, having to face such a serious change of understanding for two other subjects, it was decided to treat them separately in the light of the whole Scripture. First of all we must realize that the Revelation speaks of the resurrection at the end of the millennium, and not during the millennium . This will be dealt with in detail in due course. For the moment, accept this possibility only to make the theme of this article comprehensible, which must answer the question, in fact, "which nations actually disappear at Armageddon?". It is clear that here we return to the usual "problem" if the book was written in chro...

Who is really Babylon the Great?

Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thes·sa·lo·niʹca, for they accepted the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so – Acts 17:11 I'm sure you believe the Bible is the Word of God. If you really believe it, you will agree that it is consistent and does not contradict itself. You will also agree that it is the highest authority to which the Christian should refer - compare Matthew 4: 4 The Lord Jesus Christ was undoubtedly the most educated and intelligent person ever existed yet many times in his speeches He referred to the Word of God - Matthew 15: 3-9; 21: 13-16; Mark 12: 24-27 Not only that, he encouraged reading and meditating personally on the Scriptures - Luke 10:25, 26 I'm sure that's what you're already doing but have you ever met a person with a bias? Is it not true that some people, despite being devotees, fail to understand certain scriptures because of their own preconce...

We pay attention to events in Russia

BREAKING NEWS | New World Translation Remains Banned in Russia Today, the Leningrad Regional Court denied our appeal of the Vyborg City Court’s August ruling that banned the Russian-language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT), declaring it an extremist publication. Approximately 30 people attended the hearing, including representatives of the Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United States embassies. Several times during the course of the hearing, the defense presented clear evidence demonstrating the bias and unqualified nature of the court-appointed expert study, which claimed the NWT is not a Bible, paving the way for it to be declared “extremist.” The so-called experts were resolute in their claim that the NWT is not a Bible because it allegedly does not refer to itself as one. The defense, however, drew attention to page five of the 2007 Russian-language NWT, which clearly states: “This is a new translation of the Bible into Russian.” T...

Is an attack on Israel coming?

Thanks to the coherence of the Word of God we have arrived at an unprecedented understanding of the Holy Writings. This understanding, far from complete but constantly growing , would not have flowed freely if we had not approached it with the utmost care of mind and without prejudice - compare Acts 17:11 One of the fundamental concepts that would have prevented the understanding of many things is that related to the identity of modern Israel. Even today this subject confuses and makes it impossible to understand the Bible to the vast majority of religions as well as to individual scholars. Is an attack on Israel coming? In this regard, Charles Taze Russell spoke several times to a large audience of Jews in New York and also in Europe on the theme "Zionism in Prophecy" and in 1925 published the book entitled "Comfort for the Jews". In time, however, it was clear to some that "something was wrong" in part because the Bible very clearly predicted that this...